near berlin, germany
6/7/8 august 1999

the story
the camp

what has happened so far...

the heart of gold

what has happened so far...

some time ago, the extraordinary space ship heart of gold was on its way through milky way hovering along the galaxy's beautiful asteroid belts and romantic star fogs. everything was fine and looking great.

as the crew wanted to return from their trip, the board computer started to misbehave significantly: the ship materialized at a quite uninteresting spot of that galaxy, somewhere between the stars sol and alpha centauri.

the ship needed repair and the crew looked out for help in the neighbourhood. they established communication with a couple of hackers on planet earth who offered assistance in fixing the ship's infrastructure. the crew agreed on a three-day reconstruction trip to that funky looking blue planet.

on august 6th, 1999 the space ship enter earth orbit and the crew will land on planet earth near berlin, germany. debugging will start immediately.